It was a good year if you're a Robin Yount baseball card collector. Robin had almost 300 card released with this visage this year. Sure a bunch of those are really rare and super expensive, but those of use of meager means had plenty to chase and acquire.
This year Robin had at least one card released in almost every issue from Topps and Panini. As a matter of fact he had 23 cards in Panini's almost last baseball product of the year, National Treasures.
By my count Robin had
294 cards issued this year. I made it a point to try and keep track of all of them this year, scouring checklists and grabbing images off of ebay. I myself was able to add close to 40 to the collection this year.
I also hit a milestone by adding my 1000th unique Yount card to my collection thanks to COMC's Black Friday deals. My biggest additions this year were my Topps Finest autograph and the two rarest base card variations from Topps High Tek. All of which I thought I got a great deal on.
The large number of cards issued for Robin was helped by him being included in the base sets of both Topps' Allen and Ginter and Gypsy Queen. Since both sets have lots of mini card parallels. This year also saw a huge amount of new Yount certified autograph cards enter the market. This lead to a depression in Robin's autograph card prices. As it were you could expect a typical autograph card to go for about $50. With the exceptions of the super high end stuff like Dynasty and National Treasures, I have seen Robin's auto prices hovering around $30 when cards are being bid on eBay.
Panini has been putting out some great high end HOF sets. It's too bad they can't use logo's because that would probably send the cards over the top. But Robin has featured prominently in every Panini HOF set so that leads to lots of awesome high end cards and a few lesser cards for us mere mortals.
This year also saw the change of format for the blog (Actually I started the new format in 2013, but ramped it up in 2014). Since the blog began it had pretty much been without direction. More of a place to store my Yount checklist than anything else and maybe show off new cards I got. So after contemplating I decided to actually put some effort into what I was trying to do here. Hence the 2014 comprehensive checklist. I decided to keep track of new stuff, highlight stuff from my collection with high quality scans and a write up and then link that post to my checklist page. I also decided to try and do checklists and gallery's of sets that had lots of rare and interesting Yount cards, that I'll never own, but I really wanted to be able to archive the images all in one place. Basically I wanted the Yount Collector to be a one stop Yount collecting experience and hopefully have some value.

One of my unwritten goals this year was to try and put out more posts in 2014 than I'd put out in all previous years. As a matter of fact I put out 25 more for a total of 117 posts. Yeah a lot of the posts were single card spotlight's, but since that was going to be a focus of the blog I'll take it.
So I want to thank all the readers out there. And the 25 people that decided my blog was worth following. And a welcome to Tony L. a fellow Yountophile that I hope I can help out with his collection.
Happy New Year everyone.
CB out.