
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Mystery of the Mug - Solved!!!!!

I've probably had this Robin Yount Maxwell House mug in my collection for well over a decade.  I first featured it way back in 2012 when I did a post about all my Yount drinkables.  I then did a feature post about it back in December of 2013 after doing a little research, which didn't really help much.   So I hadn't give the mug much though, as a matter of fact it's still packed away currently waiting for me to find a spot to display it, that was until a few days ago.  Fellow Yountophile and Brewer's historian, fan, and collector Tony L., from Off Hiatus fame, contacted me on twitter to say he'd solved the mystery of the mug!  Let's take a look at the awesome mug one more time.

 Tony an image from this clipping from the August 1983 What's Brewing magazine.  As far as I know this is Robin's only Maxwell House mug so we can now date the mug to the August 19th giveaway in 1983.  How cool is that??!!??  Plus the clipping also talks about the previous mugs given away for Bamberger, Thomas, and Fingers.  Tony estimates the Bamberger was probably given away in 1979 to commemorate the Brewers first winning season, Thomas in 1980 to commemorate his AL leading home run record, and Fingers in 1982.  I think there was also a logo mug given away and that might be from 1981. 
Anyways all the credit goes to Tony for solving the mystery.  Thanks Tony!!!


  1. Neat! Always appreciate solving a good mystery.

  2. That's awesome that it was finally solved. That looks like the kind of mug that water will get in to and ruin pretty easily, glad you are planning to display it and not actually use it.

  3. I have the Molitor Cup. It must have been released after the Yount cup.

  4. Glad I could help out, CB. Perhaps I should try to use the What's Brewing magazines and yearbooks I have to do a timeline of Brewers SGAs or something like that.

    1. That would be cool. I was thinking that would be a great resource for other collector's to at least be able to date the SGA.

    2. Going through old programs and I can confirm that the Rollie Fingers Mug was given out on August 27, 1982, on Coffee Photo Mug Night when the Brewers squared off against the Oakland A's. Oh, by the way, that was the exact game that Rickey Henderson broke Lou Brock's single season SB record. He stole 4 that night to put him at 122.
