
Saturday, March 31, 2018

All About the Base - 1989 Topps

Year: 1989
Manufacturer: Topps
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 615
Card Type: Base

I wonder out of the hundreds of this card I probably have squirreled away I managed to grab one with grease stains on the front?  Well I'm not going into the archives to scan another one.  I'll be honest I have a huge love for this set in general.  I love the simple border design and the ballpark font for the team name with the player name in the tail. I chewed a lot of gum from these packs.  And for some reason I really loved the smell of this set, yes the smell.  Topps brings back the red and black color scheme for the card backs.  Topps used that color scheme just a few years ago with the 1985 set and I liked it then as I much as I liked it for this set.  In last year's issue Topps brought back the baseball graphic to the backs of the card, but this year Topps returns the graphic to it's place of glory framing the card number.  The last time Topps did that was in the 1981 set.  Again no room for anymore trivia, but we do get the game winning RBI stat squeezed into the bottom.

Friday, March 30, 2018

All about the Base - 1988 Topps

Year: 1988
Manufacturer: Topps
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 165
Card Type: Base

Continuing our march in Robin Yount's career we've hit the 1988 Topps set.  Coming off the 1987 woody set, 1988 Topps is almost a let down.  But the overall simple design is deceiving.  At first glace the set is pretty plain, but Topps does feature a nice big photo.  And look closer, the player is actually in front of the team name.  Almost making the player jump out of the card.  1988 Topps gets a bad rap mainly because it's at the center of the Junk Wax era, which I can attest to with a 5000 count monster box full of these cards.  

 Topps also brings back is classic baseball graphic for the back of the card and the backs feature a very nice sized card number well placed for easy sorting and collation, which I did a lot of with this set.  This far along in Robin's career we no longer have any room on the back for fancy trivia and write-ups, but we do have one small extra stat on the bottom of the card with game winning RBIs.

Friday, March 23, 2018

All about the Base - 1987 Topps

Year: 1987
Manufacturer: Topps
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 773
Card Type: Base

The 1987 Topps set holds a special place in my heart as it's the first set I ever tried to put together.  And I bought a lot of packs.  Wax packs from my LCS, cello packs from the convience stores, rack packs from the grocery store.  Plus the wood grain border reminds me of my fathers den decked out in the fake wood paneling.  And of course the set brings back memories of the 1962 Topps.  And I might have a fondness for the set as a Brewers fan with the backs of the cards featuring a Brewers color scheme.  

The card backs feature a nice sized and well placed card number.  This year marks the first year that Robin's stats over take the back of the card and don't allow for any more trivia or stat write-ups, instead the only bonus we get is the game winning RBIs that was placed on Robin's card last year and will be the only extra for year's to come.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

All about the Base - 1986 Topps

Year: 1986
Manufacturer: Topps 
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 780
Card Type: Base

1986 was the first year I remember actually buying baseball cards.  Up until then I was pretty much all into comics.  But even then I didn't bother to put the set together until much later.  Every so often Topps' experiments with black bordered cards.  The black borders have the effect to really magnify defects in the edges and corners.  In 1986 we get a split between a black border and a white border and you'd never guess that there are conditions issues with the set.  Centering, as always, is an issue as well, and miscentering also shows up incredibly well in these cards.   The set does feature a nice big player photos and this year we get what looks like Robin warming up catching a few balls.  While I'm neutral on the front I really do like the color scheme on the backs.  The black on red really pops and is easy to read.  Plus we get a nice sized cards number high on the left hand side for easy collation and the player name is very prominent.  

We also get a couple game winning RBI stats and there is still just enough room with Robin's career stats for one small factoid at the bottom.  No mention of brother Larry though.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

All about the Base - 1985 Topps

Year:  1985
Manufacturer: Topps
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 340
Card Type: Base

Ah the mid-80's.  In 1985 the family moved to El Paso, Texas and I would spend a good part of my formative year's there.  It's also were I discovered sports cards and comic books.  Not that I didn't know they existed, but for the first time I can remember I actually cared.  But that would be another year or so.   The 1985 set marks another period in Topps history where they started playing it safe with similar, simple designs.  Again these are terrible, but they aren't all that memorable, well maybe with the exception of the 1987 set.  

I've always thought the design looked like bumper stickers.  With the team name and logo plastered on the card like a kid putting a bumper sticker on a car, but with most of the card elements on the bottom of the card it leave a lot of room up top for the player photo and for me that works pretty well.  I'm not a huge fan of the color scheme on the back of the card, the red and green clash and red lettering can be a little hard to read.   

But man look at the photo of Robin.  Flip up sunglasses, baby blue uni with the trucker hat and those wrist bands!!  Classic 80's, cue the Devo.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Mystery of the Mug - Solved!!!!!

I've probably had this Robin Yount Maxwell House mug in my collection for well over a decade.  I first featured it way back in 2012 when I did a post about all my Yount drinkables.  I then did a feature post about it back in December of 2013 after doing a little research, which didn't really help much.   So I hadn't give the mug much though, as a matter of fact it's still packed away currently waiting for me to find a spot to display it, that was until a few days ago.  Fellow Yountophile and Brewer's historian, fan, and collector Tony L., from Off Hiatus fame, contacted me on twitter to say he'd solved the mystery of the mug!  Let's take a look at the awesome mug one more time.

 Tony an image from this clipping from the August 1983 What's Brewing magazine.  As far as I know this is Robin's only Maxwell House mug so we can now date the mug to the August 19th giveaway in 1983.  How cool is that??!!??  Plus the clipping also talks about the previous mugs given away for Bamberger, Thomas, and Fingers.  Tony estimates the Bamberger was probably given away in 1979 to commemorate the Brewers first winning season, Thomas in 1980 to commemorate his AL leading home run record, and Fingers in 1982.  I think there was also a logo mug given away and that might be from 1981. 
Anyways all the credit goes to Tony for solving the mystery.  Thanks Tony!!!

Monday, March 19, 2018

All about the Base - 1984 Topps

Year: 1984
Card Manufacturer: Topps
Card Set: Flagship
Card Number: 29
Card Type: Base

The 1984 set marks the second year in a row Topps has dual photos on the front of the card.  Where the 1983 base set was very curvy and the lines flowed, this year's design is very boxy.  Not a terrible design. Again we get a nice action shot with a player headshot in the lower left hand corner.  The team name is nice and big.  The back of the cards have a nice large card number and a huge team logo.  All the basics are on the back with player vitals, full career stats and Robin still has a little room from some highlights from the previous year.  

Saturday, March 17, 2018

All About the Base - 1983 Topps Team Leaders / Checklist

Year: 1983
Manufacturer: Topps
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 321
Card Type: Base, Subset
Subset: Team Leaders / Team Checklist

We end our time in 1983 with the third card featuring Robin in the 1983 Topps set.  Robin shares the card Pete Vuckovich.  The early 1980's were a great time in team facial hair.  You had Rollie Fingers' handlebar, Gorman Thomas' crumbduster, Vuck's Fu Manchu.  And while Robin was leading the team is just about every stat he wasn't winning the facial hair battle, but he was giving it his best shot.  It's too bad the 1983 set didn't have a World Series sub-set that would have been nice for us Brewers fans, well except for the loss.  Instead we got sub-sets like the Super Veterens, All-Stars, Record Breakers and of course these team leader / team checklist cards.  Still nice to have multiple Robin Yount cards in the set.

Friday, March 16, 2018

All About the Base - 1983 Topps All-Star

Year: 1983
Manufacturer: Topps
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 389
Card Type: Base, Subset
Subset: All-Star

Still sitting here in 1983.  Today we have the second of Robin's 3 cards from the 1983 Topps set.  This is Robin's All-Star card.  It's hard for me to believe that Robin was only voted to the All-star squad 3 times during his 20 year career all of them in the early 80's.  Robin would also go to the game in 1983, but this card commemorates his 1982 team selection.  Interestingly the back of the card has nothing to do with Robin or the 1982 All-star game.  Man look at the 80's chiseled Robin Yount with the featured hair.  

Thursday, March 15, 2018

All About the Base - 1983 Topps

Year: 1983
Manufacturer: Topps
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 350
Card Type: Base

Well here we are one of the greatest Topps sets of all time.  It had been 20 years since Topps had put two photos on the front of the card and coincidentally, or maybe not so coincidentally, the set looks very similar to the last set that featured two player images, 1963 Topps.  This set and the 1981 Topps set are my two favorite from the 80's.  This is such a great looking design.  With the dual color borders on the top and bottom.  The two player photos.  The back of the card features the card number high on the upper left hand side for easy collation.  We also get a baseball graphic on the back and some stats from the previous year.  Would have been nice to have some World Series stats back there as well.  This year would be another first for Robin on cardboard, being featured on more than one card in the base set.  As a matter of fact he's featured on 3 cards and I'll feature all of them in their own posts.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

All About the Base - 1982 Topps

Year: 1982
Manufacturer: Topps
Card Set: Flagship
Card Number: 435
Card Type: Base

1982 was the big year for Robin.  Silver Slugger and Golden Glove Awards, AL MVP, second All-Star Game appearance, and almost winning the World Series.  Of course all of that would happen well after this card was released, but 1982 was a big year.  I've always called this set "the hockey sticks."  It probably would have worked well as a hockey card design.  I like the design.  I screams 80's.  The colors, the pinstriping of the card.  This is not full blown MTV 80's, that's a few years away, but this card very much represents the shrugging off of the last vestiges of the 1970s.  Ahem.

Robin is still young enough in his career that he's able to afford the room on the back of his card for some Topps trivia and a cartoon.  Soon enough there won't be any room on the back of his cards for anything, but stats.  The card number is a little low and it goes back and forth in 1982 Topps.  Most veterans don't have the room for the upper trivia box and the card number is placed higher.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

All About the Base - 1981 Topps

Year: 1981
Manufacturer: Topps
Card Set: Flagship
Card Number: 515
Card Type: Base

Here we are at one of my favorite sets from the 1980's.  It has to be the hat on graphic on the front of the card.  As a matter of fact I like the set so much this is one of the first sets outside of the modern and junk wax era I decided to build. I'm still a few cards shy, but very close to completion.  Topps also brings back the front and back baseball graphics.  Maybe it's just me, but I like using the baseball graphic to frame the card number.   And the it's definitely the hat graphic that's color coordinated to the team, mostly, and houses the team and position.  Player name on the front could be a tad larger. 

The back of the card is almost perfect as well.  The stats steal the show on the back this year taking up most of the real estate, but card number is large and well placed and we even get a pair of cartoon enhanced player facts. 

Monday, March 12, 2018

All About the Base - 1980 Topps

Year: 1980
Manufacturer: Topps
Card Set: Flagship
Card Number: 265
Card Type: Base

Welcome to the 80's!  The Topps design team didn't shake much up for the start of the new decade.  The 1980's design pretty much was just a continuation of the styles from the late 70's.  Like most of the designs not terrible just not memorable.  But I will say I can spot a 1980 Topps' card from a mile away.  Back is the facsimile auto on the front and I like the banners with a shadow for the team and position.  

The card backs are also typical and well done.  The card number is a little small, but very readable and high on the back of the card.  As a set collector and one that stores most of his sets in card boxes the placement of the card number is key for easy collation.  Full career stats and the comics are back.  And once again Robin's brother is mentioned.  At the end of this series I'm going to go back and see how may times Larry Yount is mentioned on the backs of Robin's cards.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

All about the Base - 1979 Topps

Year: 1979
Manufacturer: Topps
Card Set: Flagship
Card Number: 95
Card Type: Base

Here we are at the end of the decade.  This card always kind of freaked me out.  Maybe it's the look of surprise that seems to be on Robin's face.  I do however love the first appearance of the new Brewers logo on that hat, the logo itself appear the year before.  Still my favorite Brewers logo. The design is pretty par for the course for the late 70's.  Another year of a pretty basic design, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work, it's just not all that memorable.  This year Topps pulled out all the stops not only using a baseball graphic on the front of the card to frame it's logo, but also brought it back to the back of the card to once again frame the card number.  I still find it interesting that this is Robin's 5th Topps flagship card and his brother Larry is mentioned on three of them.  

Friday, March 9, 2018

All about the Base - 1978 Topps

Year: 1978
Manufacturer: Topps
Card Set: Flagship
Card Number: 173
Card Type: Base

Welcome to 1978.  Robin was entering his 5th year in the majors and already had close to 600 hits.  This year's design might be even more subdued than the 1977 design, but like most of the 70's sets it's not unappealing.  The previous 2 years Topps had used the baseball graphic to frame the card number, this year Topps moved the baseball to the front of the card for the player position. 

While the card number is a little small it's high on the back of the card for easy box collation.  Gone is the card back cartoon and this year there's a game to be played.  Small error on the back in the write up.  Robin only played for the Newark Pilots in 1973, not 1971.  The card wasn't corrected and is listed as an UER.  

Over all the nice staged photo, but a departure from the great action shot on his 1977 card.  And man that looks like a huge pile of dirt behind him.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

All about the base - 1977 Topps

Year: 1977
Manufacturer: Topps
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 635
Card Type: Base

The late 70's Topps' sets all blend together for me.  When I'm looking through cards I continually have to look on the back to see what year it is sometimes.  The designs aren't terrible, but they don't show a lot of effort.  I guess that's what happens when you don't have much competition.  For Robin's third Topps card we get a nice action shot of what looks like Robin about to lay down a bunt.  

The overall card design, while pretty, basic has all the right elements.  The player name on the back of the card is huge. My one drawback is the card number is smaller this year and position pretty far down the card making box collation a little tougher.  I do like the that the back of the card is made to look like a billboard or scoreboard.  It's the little touches like that that makes me love the vintage Topps sets.  I also find it interesting that Topps mentions Robin's brother Larry, who has no baseball cards by the way and also has the distinct pleasure of being the only pitcher in MLB history to appear in the official record books but never faced a batter.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

All About the Base - 1976 Topps

Year: 1976
Manufacturer: Topps
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 316
Card Type: Base

I've often thought about trying to put together a set from the 70's.  Sure everyone's doing a 75 set, but for me it would be a toss up between 1974 and the 1976 sets.  

The 1976 set is so subdued compared to its predecessor.  I love the look of the set.  It's not flashy, but it's very functional and personally very appealing to the eye.  Robin's 76 card features a 20 year old Robin Yount entering his third year in the majors.  I love the classic Brewers uniform and the perfect staged batting stance.  The basic design of the card works so well.  The two bars on the front featuring the player name, position, and team, a cool graphic, and  a great border.  

I'm also a big connoisseur of the backs of cards and this is one of the best from the 70's.  The integration of the card number and bat/ball graphic is great and the card number is the perfect size for ease of collation.  Plus Robin's complete major league batting record.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

All about the Base - 1975 Topps

Year: 1975
Manufacturer: Topps
Set: Flagship
Card Number: 223
Card Type: Base

Over the course of the next few weeks I want to feature each of Robin's Topps Flagship cards in chronological order, from 1975 to 1994.  It's something I've wanted to do for awhile now and I know I've probably feature a few of the cards before, but what can you do?  I'm also toying with doing this for his Fleer, Donruss, Upper Deck, and Score cards, but I'll probably break up the series'.

First up is Robin's rookie card out of the classic 1975 Topps set.  Robin broke into the league in 1974.  As a matter of fact Robin was on the roster and played during the Brewers opener on April 5th, 1974, they lost to the Red Sox.  So why wasn't Robin in the '74 set?  Well 1974 was the first year Topps switched from issuing their product in series' and put the whole set out all at once.  So where Robin might have been in one of the later series', there was none. And the traded set was exclusively for traded players.  Robin had to wait till 1975 to grace cardboard.

The 75 set is pretty iconic and a hobby favorite.  I didn't realize the card I chose to scan was so mis-cut, but I wasn't going to dig out another card.  I currently have 5 1975 Topps Yount rookies in my collection all in varying conditions.  But it's so true what they say,  "You never forget your first."  I would love to say that the card scanned was my first Yount rookie, but to be honest I can't remember which one it was anymore.  But I vividly remember when I picked my first rookie up.  

I was living over seas in Germany.  My father was in the army and stationed in Berlin.  We got there just after the Wall fell in December of 1989.  Berlin was a divided city not just East and West, but in the Western sector between the British, French, and Americans.  The US didn't have a centralized base in the city, rather it was spread out in what they called Kasernes.  I can remember going over to the Air Force Kaserne, called McNair, and they hosted a periodic sports card show.  It's there I met a guy who had a ton of vintage cards there with him and he was going around asking what people collected.  I had set up a table selling as many singles as I could from my dupes.  The guy had asked me who and what I collected and I told him I was a Brewers collector and really liked Robin Yount.  He came back a few minutes later with a 75 Yount rookie.  We talked for awhile and I took the card home for about $50.  I thought I'd gotten a good deal then.  Robin's rookie cards were still commanding around $200 and while the one I got wasn't in mint condition it was a card I'd never thought I'd own.  I can say that's the most I ever spent on one of my rookie cards, but it's still a great memory.

Monday, March 5, 2018

On the Radar - 2018 Panini Donruss Baseball Retro 84 Signatures

The first new Yount cards of the year are a few days away.  Robin's first cards will be in Panini Donruss Baseball and they are all autographed.  I'll post images as they become available and I'll correct card numbering once this is released.

2018 Donruss Baseball  Retro 84 Signatures #6
2018 Donruss Baseball  Retro 84 Signatures Blue #6  #/99
2018 Donruss Baseball  Retro 84 Signatures Red #6  #/25
2018 Donruss Baseball  Retro 84 Signatures Gold #6  #/10
2018 Donruss Baseball  Retro 84 Signatures Green #6 #/5
2018 Donruss Baseball  Retro 84 Signatures Black #6  #/1

Friday, March 2, 2018

1991 Ballstreet Journal Full Panel Insert

Year: 1991
Manufacturer: Ballstreet Journal
Card Number: 58
Card Type: Magazine Insert
Issue: #6, November 1991

The internet is pretty amazing.  Yes about half of it is filled with crap and advertising, but when you have a question the answer is usually out there to be found.  It's also a nice juxtaposition for the card featured today.  Because 25 plus years ago before the internet and at the height of the trading card junk wax/speculation era there were a lot of magazines that catered to the hobby.  There were magazine specifically for the speculators, which cards and products were hot, what rookies should you invest into send your kids to college?  And of course there were the price guides.  In 1991, I was still in high school and living overseas so I didn't have access to all the great publications that were being put out to help collector's.  But that's why the internet is so great, with a few key strokes not only did I find what issue of the Ballstreet Journal that this card came out of I found a few photos.  

With so many magazines competing with one another they tried to offer gimmicks to entice you into buying their issues and free cards was the main enticement.  From what I found each issue of Ballstreet Journal came with 10 of these insert cards that you could pull out and cut out the card.  Lucky for me I have an intact panel from the issue.  The other great thing about researching this card is I found something else to go after for my collection.  I also collect Frank Thomas cards and he just so happens to be featured on the issue that Robin's card is in.  

Another fun fact,  the back of the cards feature a trivia question about the feature player and the answer on Robin's card is wrong, Robin was still 18, not 19, when he broke into the majors.  The write up is also wrong with the same age mistake and the wrong year that Robin broke into the majors.  While Robin didn't get his first baseball card till 1975, he played his first major league game  April 5th, 1974.