
Monday, November 30, 2015

Baseball America - March 25th, 1992

Year: 1992
Collectible Type: Periodical
Periodical name: Baseball America
Date: March 25- April 9, 1992

If you're a Yount collector like myself and you buy from eBay like I do from time to time, chances are you've run across the seller wfbookman.  He or they sell all sorts of stuff, but specialize in large collections of Robin Yount cards and memorabilia.  They usually have quite a large selection of high quality and high dollar cards and memorabilia, but they also have some lower end stuff.  And while I would love to add low number rare relics and autographs to my collection, I would much rather added a few low cost oddballs.  I ended up picking up a couple oddballs this past go around.  One area that I've decided to start focusing on is my periodical collection.  I have a few magazines and newspapers that I bought way back in the day off the newsstand, but there are quite a few out there I don't have.

One of the things that caught my eye was this March - April 1992 issue of Baseball America.  Baseball America is still around in print form and in digital.  But back before the internet age this was how you got your indepth sports analysis.  Baseball America collected writing from around the country.  Robin's article is written by Brewer's beat writer Tom Haudricourt.  Tom's still the beat writer for the team at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. (My old man voice is yelling, "I can remember when those were separate newspapers")

I ended up picking this up for a whole dollar plus shipping which was combined with my other win I'll feature later.  Although it's not by any means close to pristine I didn't expect it to be.  But it's still fully intact and readable and that's really all I can ask for a newspaper that's almost 25 years old.


  1. I would bet that a not insignificant number of baseball fans are familiar with the Baseball America prospect ratings (i.e. #5 in the Brewers organization) but have no idea that Baseball America is a periodical. I've been subscribing for years, although I don't go back to 1992.... I don't think, anyway.

    I like how the #100 prospect mentioned on the cover (Kevin Young) had a much longer MLB career than #1 (Brien Taylor). It goes that way sometimes.
