
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

1990 The Face of Baseball book

Year: 1990
What: Book
Title: The Face of Baseball, John Wiess Photography

Keeping with the non-baseball card themed posts, I present the book: The Face of Baseball.  I picked this up recently during a visit to the Value Village near my house.  I try to stop in a least once a month to check out the selection.  The store has had a pretty decent selection of trading cards the last year.  Sure most of them are overpriced junk wax and some are beat up pretty bad, but every now and then I do strike gold.  But that's another post for a different blog.  I was looking though the book selection.  I love picking up cheap home improvement books and occasionally I find gold on the shelves as well.  To my surprise the books actually have some kind of order and there is a small sports section.  Lots of fly tying books and how to golf, but there were a couple books I decided to pick up.  First up was Larry Tye's Stachel Paige biography: Stachel and Jose Canseco's Autobiography: Juiced.  Both books I've wanted to read and next to those two books was this one.  I was intrigued.  But after I found Robin in the middle of the book I knew it was coming home with me.  

John Weiss' close up portraits are pretty spectacular. I only scanned Robin's for this post, but you can see examples on the cover.

Does anyone know if Weiss' photos were used for cards?  The book is pretty much a who's who in baseball in and around 1990.
I did a quick search for the book and it's not hard to find or expensive.  As a matter of fact I paid about what you could get one of these shipped off of Amazon or eBay and it wasn't much.  But still a great collection and one of these days I'll probably sit down and read the essay by Wilfrid Sheed interlaced throughout the book.

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