
Friday, November 16, 2012

Drinking with Yount

When I seriously started collecting Robin Yount stuff I decided not to limit myself to just baseball cards. So I have quite an eclectic collection of different stuff featuring his likeness.  Some of the neater stuff has been the drink ware.

First will go back to 1977.  RC cola feature all sorts of players on its cans in 1977 and 1978.  I'm still looking to pick up a cheap Rollie Fingers can. A heavy duty steel can, back when you could kill a man with a soda can.

7-11 featured ball players and other athletes on its Slurpee cups from the early seventies through the eighties.

1982 McDonalds put out a set of 6 Brewers Glasses in the greater Milwaukee area.  In my quick online search I really didn't find much out about the set.  But each glass features 2 players.

Yount shares his glass with Ben Oglivie.
I'm not sure if these came out before or after the Brewers won the AL championship.

Next we have the 1992 commemorative 3000th hit Coke Can.  Who ever saved this can wanted it to be closed on top so they punched two holes in the bottom to drain the soda.

And finally maybe just a cup of coffee.
I never have been able to find any really good information on these cups.

I know that there are at least 6 from searching on ebay
George Bamberger who managed the team from 1978 -1980 and 85-86.  I do believe these might be from the earlier tenure, but I'm not sure. Players also featured include:
Jim Gantner
Rollie Fingers (which I still want one of)
Paul Molitor and
Cecil Cooper
I'm not sure if they came out at the same time, where giveaways at the stadium, a mail in, or something else. I think I'm going to have to email Bob Lemke. There are some design differences between the cups as well.

There's a nice faxsimile autograph on the side of the cup.

There you have it my Robin Yount drinkware.

Monday, October 8, 2012

2012 Golden Moment

Wow has it really been 2 months already since I last posted here. Yikes.  Well it's been slow in the Yount acquisition department and I've been hella busy with work.  But I'm happy to see that Mr. Yount has a base insert in this years update set.  And I'm even happier I pulled one from my hobby box.

He doesn't have any auto or relic variations of this card, which I guess is good I don't have to chase those down.  And even if it is a fairly common insert it's still a great addition to the ever growing, all be it slowly, collection.  I'll have to dig some Younts out of the vault for a few more posts.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Something old and something new.

It's been awhile since I last posted. Been really busy with work and life in general, but not too busy to pick up a few Younts when the opportunity arises.  First I'll start off with an older oddball I picked up for super cheap.

Baseball card games have been around forever, but I had never seen this card or this game before.

And while it doesn't feature a picture of Robin it's still a cool oddball to add to the collection.

Next we have a couple of 2012 issues I finally managed to get my hands on.
It's Robin's 2012 Topps Archive cloth sticker.  Paying homage to the old 1977 issue which Yount was also featured in.

And finally.

I think this is the newest release right now and I'm glad to finally snag it. It's Robin's 2012 Topps Retire Numbers Manupatch card.  These are found as a bonus in retail blaster boxes. And while not a huge fan of the manufactured "relics" I really do like the looks of this card and the set in general.

And there you go. Three more for the super collection.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

2012 Topps Archives Reprint cards

Love it or hate it this years Topps Archives rebirth has a little bit of everything.  And the best part is there are 3 Younts!
Robin doesn't have a base card but he's got two reprint cards and a 77 cloth sticker insert as well. 
I was lucky enough to pick these two bad boys up in a lot. I'm not sure what the insertion rate is for the gold foil stamped reprints, probably 4 per box or so.  Now I just have to find a cheap cloth sticker to round out the set.  

I do like that Topps now has a pretty obvious Reprint mark on the back of the cards.

Monday, June 18, 2012

2012 Topps Series 2 Commemorative Team Ring Card

There are a couple really nice cards in Series 2 this year. I was lucky enough to snag this one quick and cheap to add to the super collection.  I'm not a big fan of gimmicky fake relics, but I really like these cards. They're super think and heavy.  Just an all around great looking card.

Now to hunt down a Retire numbers card...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

2012 Golden Giveaway Die Cut

This card came out of Topps' lastest online promotion.  I remember seeing people try to sell these before they ever got them in hand and thought it was crazy. Because in order to get the card  you won you had to trade another card in your portfolio. 

Anyways these are now in hand and now I have one in my hand for the super collection.  These cards are absolutely beautiful in person. It came with a protective coating that I removed because it looked terrible. The cards are thick as well. They're about the size of a relic card.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Topps Museum Collection and Gypsy Queen relic

I'm slowly adding a few new Younts to the supercollection.  This year is a little slow as Robin hasn't been featured in any base set, but has had a few inserts and relics.

First up is the Topps Museum Collection Canvas Collection.
A great looking card.

Next up is one of two relics Robin has in this years Topps Gypsy Queen.  He also has a framed mini relic that has eluded me thus far, but I'm ever vigilant and I'm sure one will make it's way in to the collection sometime this year.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The first new Yount of the year!! 2012 Tribute.

I'm happy to see that Robin's got a few new cards coming out.  He's got a relic card in Tribute this year and a card in Topps Museum collection.

All his relic cards are fairly low numbered in Tribute this year and all card come encased.

So far I've only gotten the base relic which is only numbered to 99!

So here's the first 2012 Yount card to finally make it into the collection.

2012 Topps Tribute Retired Remnants Robin Yount Bat Card RR-RY #d 36/99!

Friday, March 16, 2012

The newest Yount for the Yount collection.

If you read my main blog, Collector's Crack you've already seen this, but this deserves to be put up on the Yount Collector as well.

I just got back from Arizona for my Honeymoon, only 7 months after the fact, of course.  We ended up getting to go to two Spring Training games at Maryvale Park, home of the Brewers Spring Training games.  I was lucky enough to get to briefly meet Robin Yount and came away with this.

I was on cloud 9 the whole rest of the day, still am!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The first new Yount of the year, isn't even real yet.

I was searching on eBay the other day and noticed that Mr. Yount has a die-cut card available from Topps' Golden Giveaway promotion.  

There are gold versions of this card too, no idea how much rarer they are than the base.

And there's the super rare 1/1 gold inlaid parallel.

I find it amusing that people are already selling the die-cuts on ebay.  Topps states that these won't even be available to ship till mid-April and then allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.  So if you buy this card from a guy on ebay you have to wait till at least mid April to get it, well past the 45 days to file a claim and these sellers also offer another option of trading for the card you buy, but since you can only trade for like items on the giveaway website that means you have to trade another die-cut for the card you bought.  Seems like both options are a losing proposition right now.  I'm going to wait till these get in hand before going after the base and the gold, but it's nice to see that Robin is going to have a few new cards this year, plus I have a feeling he should make it into a few of the inserts in Series 2 or Update.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Homemade oddballs?

It's been awhile since I posted, I know, my Yount obsession is on the back burner.  With nothing new coming out and most of Yount's cards going for way too much on the Ebay it's been sparse in the new card area.  

One trend I noticed starting to pop up are these ZeeNut cards being put out.  Now while I'm no vintage expert I know that the original ZeeNut cards were put out a long time ago, for a more precise definition we go to the internet, but I make no claims to the accuracy of this information.

Zee-Nut cards were put out by the Collins-McCarthy candy company from 1911 to 1938.  The Zee-Nut's are categorized as E136 and E137 in the Standard Catalog.  Collins-McCarthy also put a out another issue that is the E135's.  

There were various styles the 27 years that the company issued baseball cards.In 1913 the company began putting coupons on the cards that could be redeemed for premiums and the like.  A card with the coupon still attached is worth quite a bit more than with the coupon removed, obviously.

Here are some examples of the originals

With coupon

But what to do these really cool old timey cards have to do with Robin Yount.  Is this the next Topps vintage insert?  Maybe, but as I was perusing eBay I came across a seller selling Zee-Nut cards. New Zee-Nut cards.  As a matter of fact there's a few sellers selling these.  And not just baseball players, movie stars, other sports figures, ect.

That's when I spotted this little guy.

I had no idea what to make of it.  I had never actually heard of ZeeNut, until I did a google search to find out more.  It's obvious this is somebody or somebodies taking it upon themselves to make their own cards.  I couldn't find any info on these cards themselves, but the message boards where the ZeeNut collectors hang out was all about how these cards are screwing up their ebay searches.  

Regardless I only paid a few dollars for this card.  I didn't know what to expect, but once I got this in hand I have to say, whoever made it did a pretty good job.  The paper stock isn't very thick, about the feel of the Topps Kimball's, but the printing and die cutting was very well done.  I've seen multiple ZeeNut Younts on Ebay since I got this card.  And the asking price is way more than I would pay for a homemade oddball.  But I'm not ashamed to add this little one to my Yount Collection.  Here take a gander.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

1988 Grenada Stamps M6532 Yount Panel

I'm an oddball lover.  Food issues, discs, die-cut, parallels, mini's, you name it and of course who doesn't love stamps.  I had a small stamp collection growing up, nothing super and I was never really into it, but I always love when one hobby intersects with another.  Here we have my full panel of 1988 Grenada Stamps featuring Robin Yount and a slew of other HOFers and All-Stars.

Over all there were nine different 9 stamp panels with a total of 81 individual stamps.  The Stamp catalog number for this set is M6532.  A full set of sheets will set you back about 20 bucks or so.  Here's a close up of the individual stamps with of course Mr. Yount first in line.

Charlie is the only one on the sheet I didn't readily recognize.  After a quick Google search I find out he played for 24 years in the majors with the majority of his time split between the Dodgers and the
Rangers and then playing 2 years a piece with the White Sox and the Marlins at the end of his career.

Just an interesting note for Mr. Aaron here who is pictured in his Milwaukee Braves jersey on an Atlanta Braves stamp.

A really nice panel full of great players and a great collectible for any PC collection of any of these great players.